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Opinion regarding the EIA for the additional area of Saare-Liivi 5 in the Gulf of Riga


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Swedish Pelagic Federation Producer Organization (SPF) represents all Swedish fishing vessels in the pelagic fishery, including the herring and sprat fishery in the Baltic Sea. Every year our members account for approximately 90 percent of the total fished volume in Sweden. We thank you for the opportunity to submit our comments.

The need for additional knowledge

From SPF we are seriously concerned about the impact that an expansion of offshore wind farms could have on fish stocks in the Baltic Sea. We are particularly concerned about destroyed spawning grounds and the impact of low-frequency underwater noise during the operational phase of the parks.

In our former comments on the EIA we have also pointed out that vibrations, changing currents or electromagnetic fields around cables could have an effect on fish stocks. We would like to underline again that present knowledge about these factors and their effect on the underwater fauna is severely lacking. It is therefore gratifying to read about the spawning area inventory and the studies to be carried out related to electromagnetic fields and noise impacts. In this context, we would like to remind you that different species can react differently to these factors.

Annelie Rosell, SPF